Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

John Lennon

John Lennon

A A2 A4 A
So this is Christmas
Bm Bm2 Bm4 Bm
And what have you done
E4 E E2 E
Another year over
A A2 A4 A
And a new one just begun
D D2 D4 D
And so this is Christmas
Em Em2 Em4 Em
I hope you have fun
A A2 A4 A
The near and the dear ones
D D2 D4 D
The old and the young
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Em7 Bm G
Let's hope it's a good one
D E7
Without any fear
A A2 A4 A
And so this is Christmas
Bm Bm2 Bm4 Bm
For weak and for strong
E4 E E2 E
The rich and the poor ones
A A2 A4 A
The world is so wrong
D D2 D4 D
And so Happy Christmas
Em Em2 Em4 Em
For black and for white
A A2 A4 A
For yellow and red ones
D D2 D4 D
Let's stop all the fight
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Em7 Bm G
Let's hope it's a good one
D E7
Without any fear
A A2 A4 A
So this is Christmas
Bm Bm2 Bm4 Bm
And what have we done
E4 E E2 E
Another year over
A A2 A4 A
And a new one just begun
D D2 D4 D
And so happy Christmas
Em Em2 Em4 Em
We hope you have fun
A A2 A4 A
The near and the dear ones
D D2 D4 D
The old and the young
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Em7 Bm G
Let's hope it's a good one
D E7
Without any fear
A A2 A4 A
War - is - o - ver
Bm B2 B4 Bm
If - you - want - it
E4 E E2 E
War - is - o - ver
A A2 A4 A
Hai notato qualcosa che non va?
Che succede?
Sii più dettagliato possibile.
Questa è una segnalazione anonima
perciò non potremo risponderti.

Ricevuto! Grazie per la segnalazione.
Controlleremo il prima possibile.

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