Like a prayer



Dm C Gm Dm
Life is a my - ste - ry
C Gm Dm
Everyone must stand a - lone
C Bb F
I hear you call my name
Dm F C Dm
And it feels like...home
F C Bb
When you call my name, it's like a little prayer
Dm C F
I'm down on my knees, I want to take you there
C Bb
In the midnight hour I can feel your power
Dm C Dm
Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there
F C Dm Bb
I hear your voice........It's like an angel sighing
F C Bb
I have no choice, I hear your voice... Feels like flying
F C Dm Bb
I close my eyes.........Oh God I think I'm falling
Out of the sky I close my eyes... Heaven help me!
F C Bb
When you call my name, it's like a little prayer
Dm C F
I'm down on my knees, I want to take you there
C Bb
In the midnight hour I can feel your power
Dm C Bb
Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there
F C Dm Bb
Like a child..........You whisper softly to me
F C Bb
You're in control, just like a child...... Now I'm dancing
F C Dm Bb
Its like a end and no beginning
You're here with me, it's like a dream... let the choir sing
Refrain x2
F C Bb
When you call my name, it's like a little prayer
Dm C F
I'm down on my knees, I want to take you there
C Bb
In the midnight hour I can feel your power
Dm C Bb
Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there
Dm Am Dm Am Dm Instrum:
Am Dm
Life is a mystery
Am Dm
Everyone must stand alone
C Bb F
I hear you call my name
C Dm
And it feels like... home.
Am Dm
Just like a prayer........Your voice can take me there
Am Dm
Just like a muse to me..........You are a mystery
C Bb F
Just like a dream............You are not what you seem
Dm C F
Just like a prayer no choice, your voice can take me there
choir x4
F C Bb
Just like a prayer, I'll take you there
Its like a dream to me
change x2
Dm Am Dm
Just like a prayer........ Your voice can take me there
Am Dm
Just like a muse to me........You are a mystery
C Bb F
Just like a dream..........You are not what you seem
Dm C Dm
Just like a prayer, no choice, your voice can take me there
Am Dm Am
Your voice can take me there
take me there.
choir repeats ad libitum
Am Dm Am Dm
It's like...a prayer...your voice...take me there
C Bb F Dm C Dm
It's like... a... praaaaaaaaaayer!
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