


Cazone fenomeno del 2015 è stata "Hello" della cantante birtannica Adele.

Lei è coautrice del brano insieme a Greg Kurstin. Ma più che altro lei.

La canzone è una ballata lenta dallo stile a volte soul, a volte gospel, che racconta di questa donna che chiama quello che presumibilmente è il suo ex fidanzato di vecchia data, dopo tanti anni.

A giudicare dai versi, la nostra cara Adele deve averla combinata grossa, perché dà la netta sensazione di parlare con qualcuno che non ha poi tanta intenzione di rivolgerle la parola.

Questo singolo di Adele è uscito il 23 Ottobre del 2015 e ha sbancato sin da subito, ricevendo numerosi apprezzamenti e cover da chiunque.

Fm Ab Eb Db Intro:
Fm Ab Eb Db
Hello, it's me
Fm Ab Eb Eb
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
Fm Ab Eb Db
to go over everything
Fm Ab
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
Eb Db
but I ain't done much healing
Fm Ab Eb Db
Hello, can you hear me?
Fm Ab Eb Db
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
Fm Ab Eb Db
when we were younger and free
Fm Ab Eb Db
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet
Fm Eb Cm Db
There's such a difference between us
Fm Eb Db
and a million miles
Fm Db Ab Eb
Hello from the other side
Fm Db Ab Eb
I must've called a thousand times
Fm Db Ab Eb
to tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
Fm Db Ab Eb
but when I call you never seem to be home
Fm Db Ab Eb
Hello from the outside
Fm Db Ab Eb
at least I can say that I've tried
Fm Db Ab Eb
to tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
but it doesn't matter,
Db Ab Eb Fm Ab Eb Db
it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore
Fm Ab Eb Db
Hello, how are you?
Fm Ab Eb Db
It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry
Fm Ab Eb Db
I hope that you're well
Fm Ab Eb Db
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened?
Fm Eb Cm Db Fm Eb Db
It's no secret that the both of us are running out of time
Fm Db Ab Eb
So hello from the other side
Fm Db Ab Eb
I must've called a thousand times
Fm Db Ab Eb
to tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
Fm Db Ab Eb
but when I call you never seem to be home
Fm Db Ab Eb
Hello from the outside
Fm Db Ab Eb
at least I can say that I've tried
Fm Db Ab Eb
to tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
but it don't matter,
Db Ab Eb Fm Db
it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore
Eb Ab Fm Db Eb Ab Fm Db
Ooooohh, anymore Ooooohh, anymore
Eb Ab Fm Db Eb Ab
Ooooohh, anymore Anymore
Fm Db Ab Eb
Hello from the other side
Fm Db Ab Eb
I must've called a thousand times
Fm Db Ab Eb
to tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
Fm Db Ab Eb
but when I call you never seem to be home
Fm Db Ab Eb
Hello from the outside
Fm Db Ab Eb
At least I can say that I've tried
Fm Db Ab Eb
to tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
but it doesn't matter,
Db Ab Eb Fm Ab Eb Db Fm
it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore
Hai notato qualcosa che non va?
Che succede?
Sii più dettagliato possibile.
Questa è una segnalazione anonima
perciò non potremo risponderti.

Ricevuto! Grazie per la segnalazione.
Controlleremo il prima possibile.

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